Le Quatorze Juillet 2024

Date: 14 Jul 2024, 12:00pm - 3:00pm GMT+10 Brisbane Le Quatorze Juillet - Déjeuner: Sunday, 14 July 2024, Monty Brewing Co, New England Highway, Highfields : 12.00pm - 3:00pm.
Come together to celebrate La Fête Nationale.
The Can Can dancers will reprise their performance from our recent Fête de la Musique event; 
Josephine & Jesse will entertain us - maybe even teach us some more French songs; some other activities.
A raffle? Pourquoi pas?
Order your own lunch & refreshments.

Limited places so RSVP as soon as possible. Final numbers by Wednesday 10 July.

Café Bla Bla

Looking for some extra French bla bla to improve your conversation skills? Come along to Café Bla Bla our free French conversation group.

L'apéro Bla Bla

An exciting programme of French social and cultural events.

Une brève histoire de l'Alliance Française de Toowoomba

The Alliance Française de Toowoomba has been providing French language education and cultural activities to the Toowoomba and Darling Downs communities for over 60 years.

Community Radio

Radio France Toowoomba on Community Radio 102.7FM DDB. Each Monday from 6.00pm to 7.00pm, listen to Michael bring you a selection of French music, along with French news and interview with people from the Toowoomba community.